

Prince Bonaparte would have not been able to create such a masterpiece without the collaboration in the Basque Country. He had the help of his collaborators in every territory of the Basque Country and for every single dialect of the language. Their job was the following: to translate the texts commissioned by the Prince, to collect and send him the gathered data about the language, to accompany the Prince on his trips to the Basque Country and to search informants for face-to-face interviews. Without any doubt, this wide group of collaborators formed an academy of the Basque language and they are also considered to have been the best prepared people of the time to work on Basque.

The presence of the collaborators can be noted, on the one hand, in the texts, mostly translations, that constitute the Archive, and on the other hand, in the collaborators' correspondence with Bonaparte, since these letters specifically bring linguistic and sociolinguistic information. The most important collaborators were the following:

Father Jose Antonio Uriarte Claudio Otaegui Bruno Echenique Joaquin Lizarraga
Jean Pierre Duvoisine Jean Martin Hiribarren Jean Baptiste Dasconaguerre Priest Iribarnegaray
Priest Cazenave A. Salaberri D'Ibarrole Emmanuel Inchauspe J. B. Archu
Mariano Mendigacha Pedro Prudencio Hualde Mayo Pedro José Samper y el salacenco Pedro José Minondo y el aezcoano
José Ignacio Arana S. J. Juan Antonio Moguel BIBLIOGRAPHY

Dialectically classified, the following ones can be named:


Eusebio Mª Azkue, F. Arrese Beitia, J. C. Renteria, Acisclo X. De Aguirre.


Juan Eloy Udabe, José Antonio Azpiazu, A. P. Iturriaga.


Edmond Guibert

Low Western Navarrese

Ioanes Oxalde Etxezuri

Low Eastern Navarrese

B. Celhabe, Jaureguiberry, Bidegarray, J.B. Mendibouru, Henry Noële.


Alkat Barkoxekua, J.B. Barneix, Iriart.


ALTUNA, Patxi: (1985): "Bonapartek eta Aita Aranak elkarri egin kartak", FLV 46, 305- 342. or.
_____ (1987): "Duvoisinen eskuizkribu argitaragabea", FLV 65, 89. or.

ALZOLA, N. (1958): "Euskerazko eskutitzak A. J. I. Arana Jesuitak Bonaparte Euskalariari, eta Printzipe Jakintsu honek Aita Aranari", Euskera III, 25-28.
_____ (1959): "Euskerazko eskutitzak A. J. I. Arana Jesuitak Bonaparte Euskalariari, eta Printzipe Jakintsu honek Aita Aranari", RSBAP XV, 447.

BERRIOCHOA, V. de (1958): Contribución a los Homenajes del Príncipe Bonaparte y R. M. de Azkue, RSBAP XV, 55-68.

CAMPION, A. (1881): "Carta del Príncipe Bonaparte a D. Arturo Campión", Revista Euskara IV, 190.

DARANATZ, J. B. (1928 - 1929, 1930, 1931): "Correspondance du Capitaine Duvoisin", RIEV XIX, 58-70; 280-286; 425-433; 449-492; XX, 152-181; XXI, 70-97; 334-368; XXII, 44-73; 310-377.

INCHAUSPE, E. (1928): "Une lettre du Prince Bonaparte", Gure Herria 3, 193-196; 427-429.

IRIGOIEN, A. (1957a): "Cartas de Mariano Mendigacha a D. Resurrección María de Azkue. Escritas en vascuence roncalés y en castellano", Euskera 2 139. or.
_____ (1957b): XIII, 220-230; 330-348, 429-452.
_____ (1957c): "Cartas de Inchauspe al Príncipe L. L. Bonaparte", Euskera II, 171-260
_____ (1957d): "Del epistolario de Azkue", Euskera II, 261-393.

LACOMBE, G. (1908): "Quatorze lettres inédites du Prince L. L. Bonaparte au Compte de Charencey", RIEV II, 775-786.
_____ (1909): "Briefe des Prinzen L. L. Bonaparte au H. Schuchardt", RIEV III, 133-139.
_____ (1932): "Lettres du Prince L. L. Bonaparte à D. A. Campion", RIEV XXIII, 192-198.
_____ (1933): XXIV, 304-313.
_____ (1947): "Les traductions basques de St. Mathieu (de 1856 à 1869)", Eusko Yakintza, 294.

PÉREZ GOYENA, A. (1944): Contribución de Navarra y de sus hijos a la Historia de la Sagrada Escritura, "(Notas históricas y bio-bibliográficas)", Imprenta Jesús García, Pamplona.

RUIZ DE LARRINAGA P. Fr. J. 1954): "Cartas de Uriarte al P. L. L. Bonaparte con noticias bibliográficas", ASJU 1, 35-106.

URQUIJO, J. de (1908): "Cartas escritas por L. L. Bonaparte a algunos de sus colaboradores", RIEV 2, 215-221; 655-659.
_____ (1910): RIEV 4, 223-297.

VEYRIN, Ph. (1833): "Carta de S. A. El Príncipe Luis Luciano Bonaparte", Euskal Herria VIII, 404.
_____ (1984): "Carta de S. A. El Príncipe L.L. Bonaparte", Euskal Herria X, 144.
_____ (1934): "Lettres du Prince L. L. Bonaparte à Wortworthe Webster", RIEV 25, 316-333.

ZERIO Y SEGURA, F. de (1969), "Cartas de D. Resurrección María de Azkue a Mariano Mendigacha", Euskera 6, 181-208.
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